Friday, September 27, 2013

Trillions of Trees

     Today,September 26`th, 2013,we measured trees. we`ve been working on this since Tuesday, and its been very fun. Well here`s what happened today. First we learned how to measure the diameter, the circumference, and the height. The measurement required a lot of  patience and teamwork, we had to make some adjustments and final answers.  In our group, first stop was mystery tree number 2 which is Blake's tree.  The next stop was Mikel's tree which happened to be the largest tree in our group. Then we looked for Logan's tree which we didn`t find, sadly. The good news was, Mrs. Garcia was able to find a tree that looked like Logan's,so we used that tree. Next, we stopped at my tree.My tree was small, but it had a lot of   features to it.  Then we got to measure Hunter's tree. It was quite large, but not as large as Mikel's  tree. Last, we stopped at Lucian's tree. His tree was a sapling, so it was the smallest tree, of course.  The mystery tree project was really fun, and I hope to do it again. Next week we will be finding out what the name of our mystery tree is by using websites and tree identification books.  We will look up our tree based on its characteristics using a dichotomous key.                              
Written by Kathryn
Measuring diameter using parallel yardsticks.

Teamwork: holding a frame so a classmate can draw the bark.
Pre-teaching the math concepts to use in the field.

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